We legally declare that all materials published and posted on our website such as content, images, website design & layout, illustrations, reviews, portfolios, company logo, trademarks etc. are sole property of MSMG and protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Nobody is permitted to use, copy, modify, transfer, exploit and distribute the MSMG property for any non-commercial or commercial purpose. The name and logo may not be used for any type of advertising or publicity purpose, without any prior written consent of the respective owner of MSMG.


MSMG strongly ensures a high level of satisfaction among our potential clients. According to our Online Digital Marketing Agency wide strategies, our priority focuses to work hand-in-hand with clients to improve their experiences with us each time. We are pride ourselves for honoring our commitment of 100% Client Satisfaction by serving them with the best development/design & online marketing solutions.


MSMG proclaims 100% Non-Disclosure Agreement Guarantee to prevent unauthorized access of client-owned “Confidential Information” to ensure for correct usage of the provided information. We assert that it will never be misused or depleted for any of our other clients.


will happy to refund the received amount under the few specified conditions mentioned under our *Money Back Guarantee Policy. we love each of our client and run an extra mile to satisfy them utterly.

1. There might be instances that lead to refunding the paid amount such as delay of project, technical inefficiency, short of resources, etc

2. We did not support unfair and unethical means for money back and follow standard guidelines as set by our management.