
Exploring its Limitless Chatgpt Prompts Potentials

How i can write chatgpt prompts for resume free

To craft ChatGPT prompts for resume writing without incurring costs, you can leverage its capabilities to generate tailored content for various resume sections. Begin by identifying the specific sections of your resume, such as Summary/Objective, Work Experience, Skills, Education, Certifications, and Achievements/Awards.

Next, create prompt templates for each section to guide ChatGPT in generating relevant content. These templates should provide clear instructions and context for the prompts. For instance, for the Work Experience section, your prompt might instruct ChatGPT to generate bullet points describing your responsibilities and achievements in previous roles, focusing on specific skills or accomplishments.

Once you’ve prepared the templates, input them as prompts for ChatGPT. For example, a prompt for the Skills section could request ChatGPT to list relevant skills in your field, including both technical and soft skills.

By structuring your prompts effectively and providing clear guidance, you can utilize ChatGPT to generate content for your resume at no cost, helping you craft a compelling and tailored document to showcase your qualifications.

What is the best chatgpt prompts for resume writing

Here are 10 effective ChatGPT prompts tailored for resume writing

“Generate detailed bullet points outlining my key responsibilities and achievements in my most recent position, emphasizing my contributions and impact within the organization.”

“List my core skills and competencies, including technical proficiencies and soft skills, to showcase my versatility and suitability for diverse roles.”
“Summarize my educational background, including degrees earned, academic institutions attended, and any relevant coursework or projects that demonstrate my qualifications.”

“Highlight my professional certifications and credentials, providing details such as certification names, issuing organizations, and dates earned, to underscore my commitment to ongoing skill development.”

“Describe my leadership experience and ability to collaborate effectively with teams, showcasing instances where I have successfully led projects or initiatives to completion.”

“Illustrate my commitment to professional growth and continuous learning, including participation in training programs, workshops, or industry conferences, to showcase my dedication to self-improvement and career advancement.

Can we use chatgpt prompt cheat sheet

Using a ChatGPT prompt cheat sheet can be a helpful resource for streamlining the prompt-writing process and ensuring consistency in generating desired responses. Such a cheat sheet typically includes pre-defined templates and instructions for crafting effective prompts tailored to specific tasks or objectives. By referencing the cheat sheet, users can quickly access prompts optimized for various purposes, such as creative writing, problem-solving, or content generation.

However, it’s essential to exercise caution and balance when relying on a prompt cheat sheet. While it can expedite the prompt creation process, over-reliance on pre-defined templates may limit creativity and result in generic outputs. Additionally, prompts should still be customized and refined based on individual preferences, project requirements, and target audience considerations.

A ChatGPT prompt cheat sheet is a handy reference tool that provides pre-defined templates and instructions for crafting effective prompts tailored to different tasks or objectives. It typically includes:

Prompt Structures: Examples of how to structure prompts for various purposes, such as creative writing, problem-solving, or generating specific types of content.

Key Phrases: Commonly used phrases or keywords that can trigger specific responses from ChatGPT, helping users generate more accurate and relevant outputs.

Prompt Examples: Pre-written prompt examples categorized by task or topic, offering inspiration and guidance for crafting prompts for different scenarios.

Best Practices: Tips and guidelines for creating effective prompts, including clarity, specificity, and context, to maximize the quality of generated responses.

Customization Tips: Suggestions for customizing prompts based on individual preferences, project requirements, and target audience considerations to achieve desired outcomes

How to write chatgpt prompts splitter

To write effective ChatGPT prompts, a “splitter” approach can be beneficial. This method involves breaking down the desired outcome into smaller, more manageable prompts that guide ChatGPT towards producing the desired response. Here’s how to implement it:

Define the Objective: Clearly identify the goal or outcome you want to achieve with the prompts. Whether it’s generating creative writing, solving a problem, or providing information, having a clear objective is essential.

Break it Down: Divide the overall objective into smaller, more specific prompts. Each prompt should focus on a particular aspect or element of the desired response.

Provide Context: Include relevant context or background information in each prompt to guide ChatGPT and ensure it understands the task at hand.

Be Specific: Make sure each prompt is clear and specific, leaving no room for ambiguity. This helps ChatGPT understand exactly what you’re asking for and produce more accurate responses.

Sequence the Prompts: Arrange the prompts in a logical sequence, building upon each other to gradually guide ChatGPT towards the desired outcome.

Review and Refine: After generating responses based on the prompts, review the outputs and refine the prompts as needed to improve the quality of the generated content.

What is chatgpt prompts for business

ChatGPT prompts for business can vary depending on the specific needs and objectives of the business. Here are some examples of ChatGPT prompts tailored for various business-related tasks:

Market Research:
“Generate a report summarizing recent market trends and consumer preferences in the [industry] sector.”

“Develop a content calendar outlining social media posts and blog topics for our upcoming marketing campaign.”

Financial Analysis:
“Provide a financial forecast for the next fiscal year, including revenue projections and expense estimates.”
“Generate a profitability analysis comparing the performance of different product lines or business units.”

HR and Recruitment:
“Write a job description for an open position within our company, emphasizing key qualifications and responsibilities.”

These prompts can be used to leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities in various aspects of business operations, including research, planning, marketing, customer service, finance, and human resources.


Best chatgpt prompts for writing

Certainly! Here are some effective ChatGPT prompts for writing:

“Generate a captivating opening paragraph for a mystery novel set in a small, secluded town.”
“Write a heartfelt letter from a parent to their child on their graduation day, expressing pride and offering words of wisdom for the future.”
“Compose a persuasive essay arguing for the importance of incorporating mindfulness practices into daily life.”
“Craft a short story about a character who discovers a hidden talent that changes their life forever.”
“Develop a descriptive passage depicting a bustling marketplace in a vibrant, exotic city.”
“Write a dialogue between two old friends reuniting after years apart, reminiscing about their shared memories and reflecting on how they’ve changed.”
“Create a blog post sharing personal tips and strategies for overcoming writer’s block and boosting creativity.”
“Imagine a world where time travel is possible. Write a journal entry from the perspective of a time traveler experiencing a pivotal moment in history.”
“Compose a narrative poem inspired by the beauty and tranquility of a serene forest during autumn.”

How to use prompts for chatgpt

Using prompts effectively with ChatGPT involves providing clear instructions or cues to guide the language model in generating relevant responses. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use prompts for ChatGPT:

Define Your Objective: Determine what you want to achieve with ChatGPT. Whether it’s generating creative writing, solving a problem, answering questions, or providing information, having a clear objective is crucial.

Craft a Clear Prompt: Write a clear and specific prompt that communicates your objective to ChatGPT. Be concise yet detailed, providing enough context for ChatGPT to understand the task at hand.

Choose the Right Format: Decide on the format of your prompt based on your objective. It could be a question, a statement, a scenario, or an incomplete sentence. Tailor the format to elicit the type of response you’re seeking.

Provide Context if Necessary: If the prompt requires additional context or background information, include it in the prompt to help ChatGPT better understand the task and generate more relevant responses.

Submit the Prompt to ChatGPT: Input the prompt into the ChatGPT interface or platform you’re using, and submit it to the model. Depending on the platform, you may need to follow specific formatting guidelines or input requirements.

Review and Refine Responses: After ChatGPT generates a response based on the prompt, review the output to ensure it aligns with your objective and meets your expectations. If necessary, refine the prompt and submit it again to generate a more suitable response.

Iterate as Needed: If the initial response is not satisfactory, iterate on the prompt by providing additional instructions, adjusting the wording, or changing the format. Continue refining the prompt until you obtain the desired response from ChatGPT.

How to write good prompts for chatgpt

Writing good prompts for ChatGPT involves several key principles to ensure clarity, specificity, and effectiveness in eliciting the desired responses. Here’s a guide on how to write good prompts for ChatGPT:

Be Clear and Specific: Clearly communicate your objective or task to ChatGPT. Avoid ambiguity and provide specific instructions or cues to guide the language model in generating relevant responses.

Provide Context: Include relevant context or background information in the prompt to help ChatGPT understand the task at hand. Contextual cues can improve the quality and relevance of the generated responses.

Use Simple Language: Keep the language in the prompt clear, concise, and straightforward. Use simple vocabulary and sentence structures to facilitate understanding for ChatGPT.

Focus on One Task: Each prompt should focus on a single task or objective. Avoid combining multiple tasks into one prompt, as this can lead to confusion and less coherent responses from ChatGPT.

Ask Questions: When appropriate, frame prompts as questions to guide ChatGPT in providing specific information or insights. Questions can help narrow the focus of the response and prompt more relevant outputs.

Provide Examples: If necessary, provide examples or templates within the prompt to illustrate the type of response you’re seeking. Examples can help clarify expectations and guide ChatGPT in generating appropriate responses.

Be Flexible: Be open to experimenting with different prompt formats, wording, and structures to see what works best for your specific task or objective. Don’t be afraid to iterate on prompts and refine them based on the responses generated by ChatGPT.

Review and Refine: After ChatGPT generates a response based on the prompt, review the output to assess its quality and relevance. If necessary, refine the prompt and submit it again to generate a more suitable response.


Top 10 chatgpt prompt engineering for developers

Here are 10 ChatGPT prompts tailored for developers in engineering:

“Generate a detailed algorithm for optimizing memory usage in a web application, considering factors such as data structures and caching techniques.”

“Describe best practices for handling exceptions and errors in a software development project, including strategies for debugging and error logging.”

“Provide a step-by-step guide for setting up a continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline for a modern web application.”

“Explain the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP) and provide examples of how to apply them in designing scalable and maintainable software systems.”

“Generate pseudocode for a data structure and algorithm to efficiently search and retrieve data from a large dataset stored in a relational database.”

“Write a technical blog post discussing the latest trends and advancements in front-end development frameworks, comparing their features and performance.”

“Design a system architecture for a scalable and fault-tolerant cloud-based application, including considerations for load balancing, auto-scaling, and disaster recovery.”

These prompts cover a range of topics relevant to developers in engineering, including algorithms, data structures, software architecture, best practices, and emerging technologies.

How to use prompt perfect chatgpt plugin

To use the Prompt Perfect ChatGPT plugin, start by installing it in your preferred text editor or platform. Once installed, activate the plugin within the interface. Then, access the plugin’s features, typically available as a sidebar or menu option. Write your prompt within the designated input field, ensuring clarity and specificity. Submit the prompt to ChatGPT through the plugin’s interface.

Review the generated response within the plugin and evaluate its quality. If necessary, refine your prompt and resubmit it for a more suitable response. Save or export the generated response as needed. With Prompt Perfect, you can seamlessly integrate ChatGPT into your workflow, allowing for efficient prompt generation and response evaluation directly within your text editor environment.

Prompt to make chatgpt write like a human reddit

Here’s a prompt to guide ChatGPT in writing like a human:

“Imagine you’re a person having a casual conversation with a friend. Write a response as if you were chatting with them, using natural language, expressions, and tone. Feel free to share your thoughts, experiences, or opinions on a topic of your choice, and engage as you would in a typical conversation.

What does chatgpt meal plan prompt work

The ChatGPT meal plan prompt works by providing clear instructions to the language model on what type of meal plan you’d like it to generate. You can specify parameters such as dietary preferences (e.g., vegetarian, vegan, keto), calorie intake, number of meals per day, or specific ingredients to include or avoid. Based on this input, ChatGPT uses its knowledge of recipes, nutrition, and culinary techniques to generate a personalized meal plan tailored to your preferences.

“Develop a meal plan suitable for someone following a ketogenic (keto) diet, aiming for low-carb, moderate-protein, and high-fat meals. Include recipes that promote ketosis while still offering delicious and satisfying options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Pay attention to ingredient quality and incorporate healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.”

“Include pre-workout and post-workout meal options, along with snacks to fuel activity throughout the day. Opt for balanced meals with complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats to sustain energy levels.”

“Incorporate a variety of wholesome ingredients and flavors to appeal to different tastes and dietary preferences. Offer options for customizable meals to accommodate picky eaters and promote family bonding during mealtime.”

Top 4 chatgpt system prompt

Here are five system prompts for ChatGPT:

“Please generate a system prompt for initiating a conversation with a user and guiding them through a customer support inquiry.”
“Develop a system prompt for assisting users in setting up personalized reminders and notifications for upcoming events or tasks.”
“Generate a system prompt for conducting sentiment analysis on user feedback or reviews to assess customer satisfaction levels.”
“Create a system prompt for generating personalized workout routines and fitness plans based on user goals, preferences, and fitness levels.”

What does chatgpt unlimited prompts

ChatGPT’s “unlimited prompts” capability refers to its ability to generate responses to an unlimited number of prompts or inputs provided by the user. Unlike some systems that may limit the number of prompts users can submit within a certain time frame or for specific tasks, ChatGPT allows users to interact with the model continuously without constraints on the number of prompts they can input. This flexibility enables users to explore a wide range of topics, tasks, and creative possibilities by generating responses tailored to their specific needs and preferences. With unlimited prompts, users can engage with ChatGPT for various purposes, including generating content, solving problems, answering questions, providing recommendations, and much more, making it a versatile and powerful.

Prompt engineering is a process of designing

Prompt engineering is indeed a process of designing specific instructions or cues to guide artificial intelligence models, such as ChatGPT, in generating desired responses. These prompts are carefully crafted to elicit specific types of outputs that align with the user’s objectives or requirements. Prompt engineering involves considering factors such as clarity, specificity, context, and formatting to ensure that the prompts effectively communicate the desired task or query to the AI model. By engineering well-designed prompts, users can maximize the relevance, accuracy, and coherence of the generated responses, ultimately enhancing the overall effectiveness and usability of AI-powered systems in various applications and domains.

What are the best prompts for ChatGPT?

The best prompts for ChatGPT depend on the specific task or objective you want to achieve. However, some general guidelines for crafting effective prompts include:

Clarity: Clearly communicate your desired task or query to ChatGPT to ensure it understands what you’re asking for.

Specificity: Be specific in your prompt to guide ChatGPT towards generating relevant and accurate responses.
Context: Provide relevant context or background information to help ChatGPT understand the task at hand.
Examples: Include examples or templates within the prompt to illustrate the type of response you’re seeking.
Engagement: Encourage engagement by framing prompts as questions or conversational prompts that invite ChatGPT to provide detailed responses.

How do I write better prompts for ChatGPT?

Writing better prompts for ChatGPT involves several key strategies to ensure clarity, specificity, and effectiveness in guiding the language model to generate relevant responses. Firstly, it’s essential to be clear and concise in communicating the desired task or query to ChatGPT. Avoid ambiguity and provide specific instructions or cues to guide the model accurately. Additionally, provide relevant context or background information to help ChatGPT understand the task at hand better.

Another important aspect is to be specific in your prompts. Clearly outline what you’re asking for and what type of response you expect from ChatGPT. Whether it’s generating creative writing, solving a problem, or providing information, specificity is crucial in guiding the model towards the desired outcome.

Furthermore, consider providing examples or templates within the prompt to illustrate the type of response you’re seeking. This can help clarify expectations and guide ChatGPT in generating appropriate responses. Additionally, framing prompts as questions or conversational prompts can encourage engagement and lead to more detailed and informative responses.

Overall, by following these strategies—being clear, specific, providing context, and offering examples—you can write better prompts for ChatGPT and maximize the relevance and quality of the generated responses.

chatgpt prompts for social media posts

Best chatgpt prompts for social media marketing

“Create a social media campaign strategy targeting a specific demographic for a new product launch, emphasizing engagement and brand awareness.”
“Develop a series of attention-grabbing headlines and captions for Instagram posts promoting a limited-time offer or discount.”
“Generate compelling visual content ideas, such as infographics or videos, to showcase product features and benefits on Facebook and Twitter.”
“Write persuasive ad copy for a sponsored post on LinkedIn targeting professionals in a specific industry or job role.”
“Create an influencer outreach strategy, identifying key influencers in the industry and developing partnerships for sponsored content or collaborations.”
“Generate conversation starters or discussion topics for engaging with followers in the comments section of Instagram or Facebook posts.”
“Develop a content calendar outlining scheduled posts for the upcoming month, including a mix of promotional content, user-generated content, and curated content.”
“Write a social media crisis management plan outlining steps to address negative feedback or publicity on platforms like Twitter or Instagram, focusing on transparency and customer satisfaction.”

Chatgpt prompts for instagram posts

“Craft a captivating caption for an Instagram post showcasing our latest product or service, highlighting its unique features and benefits.”
“Generate a series of engaging questions to pose to our followers in Instagram Stories, encouraging interaction and feedback.”
“Develop a visually appealing carousel post featuring a step-by-step tutorial or guide related to our industry or niche.”
“Write a motivational quote overlayed on a scenic image, inspiring our audience and aligning with our brand values.”
“Create a behind-the-scenes video snippet offering a glimpse into our company culture or the making of our products.”
“Design an eye-catching infographic sharing interesting statistics or facts relevant to our industry or target audience.”
“Craft a user-generated content post featuring a customer testimonial or review, showcasing real-life experiences with our products or services.”
“Generate a themed hashtag challenge encouraging our followers to share photos or videos related to a specific topic or trend.”
“Develop a quiz or poll in Instagram Stories to engage our audience and gather insights on their preferences or opinions.”
“Write a teaser post announcing an upcoming event, sale, or product launch, building excitement and anticipation among our followers.”

Chatgpt prompts for Instagram reels

“Create a fun and energetic dance routine to showcase our brand’s personality and values.”
“Develop a humorous skit featuring our product as the solution to a common problem or inconvenience.”
“Showcase a ‘day in the life’ of our team members, highlighting our company culture and work environment.”
“Film a ‘before and after’ transformation video demonstrating the results of using our product or service.”
“Film a behind-the-scenes look at the making of our latest product or the process behind our services.”

Chatgpt prompts for Facebook post funny

“Write a hilarious joke or pun related to our industry or niche to lighten up our followers’ day.”
“Craft a funny meme or GIF that relates to a common situation our audience can relate to.”
“Create a humorous parody of a popular movie or TV show, with a twist that incorporates our brand or product.”
“Share a funny story or anecdote from behind the scenes of our company or team, showcasing our playful side.”
“Invite our followers to share their most embarrassing or funny moments related to our product or service.”
“Host a ‘Friday Funday’ contest where followers can submit their funniest photos or videos for a chance to win a prize.”
“Create a funny ‘would you rather’ scenario related to our industry or niche, sparking engagement and conversation.”

Chatgpt prompts for Youtube script

“Craft an engaging introduction to hook viewers and introduce the topic of our YouTube video.”
“Develop a step-by-step tutorial demonstrating how to use our product or service effectively.”
“Write a captivating story or narrative to illustrate the problem our product solves and the solution it offers.”
“Share a personal experience or testimonial from a satisfied customer, highlighting the impact of our product.”
“Develop a ‘top 10’ list or countdown video featuring the best tips, tricks, or products in our industry.”
“Create a product review video comparing our product to competitors, highlighting its unique selling points.”
“Write a script for an interview-style video featuring an expert in our industry or a satisfied customer.”

Chatgpt prompts for Linkedin posts

“Write a brief summary of a recent industry event or conference you attended, highlighting key takeaways and lessons learned.”
“Share a success story or milestone achieved by our company, celebrating the hard work and dedication of our team.”
“Create a poll or survey to gather feedback from your network on a relevant industry topic or current event.”
“Share a valuable resource, such as an article, whitepaper, or webinar, that provides insights or solutions to common challenges in our industry.”
“Share a recent accomplishment or achievement you’re proud of and reflect on the journey it took to get there.”

How do you use ChatGPT for professional writing?

To utilize ChatGPT for professional writing, start by identifying the specific task or project you need assistance with, such as drafting a report, crafting marketing copy, or refining a presentation. Then, frame your prompt to ChatGPT clearly and concisely, outlining the desired outcome and any specific requirements or preferences you have. Provide relevant context or background information to help ChatGPT understand the task at hand.

Once you’ve formulated your prompt, submit it to ChatGPT and review the generated response. Evaluate the quality and relevance of the output, considering factors such as coherence, clarity, and alignment with your objectives. If necessary, refine your prompt and submit it again to obtain a more suitable response.

Additionally, leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities for brainstorming, idea generation, and content expansion by posing open-ended questions or requesting insights on specific topics related to your professional writing projects. Use the generated responses as inspiration or starting points for further development, refinement, or incorporation into your final deliverables.

Throughout the process, maintain a critical eye and exercise discernment in assessing ChatGPT’s outputs, recognizing that while the model can provide valuable assistance and inspiration, human judgment and refinement are essential for producing polished.

Where can I find good writing prompts?

You can find good writing prompts from a variety of sources, both online and offline. Here are some places to look for inspiration:

Writing Prompt Websites: Websites like Reddit’s r/WritingPrompts, Writing.com, and The Write Prompts offer a wide range of creative writing prompts contributed by users and writers.

Writing Prompt Books: There are many books available that contain collections of writing prompts, ranging from general creative writing prompts to prompts tailored for specific genres or themes.

Writing Prompt Apps: Apps like Prompts and Writing Challenge provide daily writing prompts and exercises to spark creativity and inspiration.

Writing Communities: Joining online writing communities or forums, such as NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) forums or writing groups on social media platforms, can expose you to a wealth of writing prompts shared by fellow writers.

Writing Workshops and Classes: Participating in writing workshops or classes often involves receiving prompts and exercises from instructors or facilitators to stimulate creativity and practice writing skills.

Everyday Life: Drawing inspiration from your own experiences, observations, or interactions with the world around you can lead to unique and personal writing prompts.

Random Word Generators: Online tools or apps that generate random words or phrases can serve as starting points for writing prompts by sparking ideas or associations.
By exploring these sources, you can discover a variety of writing prompts to fuel your creativity and inspire your writing projects.

What is the prompt for ChatGPT to write blogs

“Craft a blog post exploring the benefits of mindfulness meditation for mental health and well-being, incorporating scientific research and personal anecdotes.”
“Write a comprehensive guide to sustainable living, covering topics such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and adopting eco-friendly habits.”
“Develop an in-depth analysis of the impact of artificial intelligence on various industries, discussing opportunities, challenges, and ethical considerations.”
“Craft a tutorial on mastering a new skill or hobby, such as photography, cooking, or coding, breaking down the process into actionable steps.”
“Write a thought-provoking opinion piece on the future of remote work, exploring its implications for employers, employees, and society as a whole.”
“Develop a travel guide to [destination], highlighting hidden gems, local cuisine, and cultural experiences for adventurous travelers.”
“Write an inspirational success story profiling an individual or company that overcame challenges to achieve their goals or make a positive impact.”
“Create a guide to healthy living, covering topics such as nutrition, fitness, stress management, and self-care practices for holistic well-being.

How do I prompt ChatGPT to write a blog article?

To prompt ChatGPT to write a blog article, follow these steps:

Define the Topic: Clearly specify the topic or subject you want the blog article to cover. This could be a broad theme, a specific question, or a niche area of interest.

Provide Context: Give ChatGPT some context about the intended audience, purpose of the article, and any specific guidelines or requirements you have.

Craft a Detailed Prompt: Write a detailed prompt that outlines the main points or sections you want the blog article to include. Break down the topic into subtopics or key ideas that you want ChatGPT to explore.

Include Examples or References: If relevant, provide examples, references, or resources that ChatGPT can use as inspiration or to support its writing.

Ask Questions: Consider posing questions within the prompt to guide ChatGPT’s writing process and encourage deeper exploration of the topic.

Review and Refine: After ChatGPT generates the initial draft of the blog article based on your prompt, review the output carefully. Make any necessary edits or revisions to ensure clarity, coherence, and relevance to your intended audience and objectives.

Iterate as Needed: If the initial draft doesn’t meet your expectations, refine your prompt and submit it again to generate a revised version of the blog article.

By following these steps and providing a clear and detailed prompt, you can effectively guide ChatGPT in writing a blog article that meets your specific requirements and objectives

How do I start a Midjourney prompt?

To start a Midjourney prompt, first, log in to your Midjourney account on the platform’s website. Once logged in, navigate to the prompt creation page or section. Here, you’ll find a text field where you can input your prompt. Craft your prompt carefully, making sure it’s clear, specific, and relevant to the task or question you want to address. You may also have the option to customize settings such as the length of the response or the language model to use. Learn more

After entering your prompt and adjusting any optional settings, submit it by clicking the appropriate button. Once submitted, wait for Midjourney to generate a response based on your prompt. When the response is ready, review it thoroughly to ensure it aligns with your expectations and needs. If necessary, you can refine your prompt and resubmit it for another attempt. People also read

What are the best prompt for Midjourney?

With these principles in mind, here are some example prompts for Midjourney:

“Provide creative ideas for designing a sustainable city that promotes environmental conservation and community well-being.”

“Imagine you’re a character in a fantasy world embarking on an epic quest to save your kingdom from an ancient evil. Describe your journey and the challenges you face along the way.”
“Develop a persuasive argument for or against the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare, considering ethical, social, and practical implications.”
“Generate a list of practical tips and strategies for maintaining work-life balance in a fast-paced and demanding professional environment.”
“Write a detailed plan for launching a new product or service in a competitive market, including market research, branding strategies, and marketing tactics.”

“Imagine you’re a historian writing about a pivotal moment in history. Describe the events leading up to and following this moment, exploring its significance and legacy.”
“Provide insights and analysis on the latest trends and developments in the field of artificial intelligence, highlighting potential applications and implications for society.”

Best chatgpt prompts for image generation

“Generate an image of a futuristic city skyline with towering skyscrapers and flying vehicles.”
“Generate a detailed portrait of a fictional character, capturing their unique personality and features.”
“Create a concept art of a spacecraft exploring uncharted galaxies, with vivid details of its design and surroundings.”
“Generate an abstract artwork inspired by the concept of time, incorporating elements like clocks, hourglasses, and swirling patterns.”
“Illustrate a fantasy battle scene between mythical creatures, such as dragons, unicorns, and wizards, set against a dramatic backdrop.”
“Create a digital painting of a bustling marketplace in a vibrant, multicultural city, showcasing diverse people and colorful stalls.”
“Illustrate a surreal dreamscape featuring floating islands, surreal landscapes, and otherworldly architecture.”

Chatgpt prompts for image generation reddit

“Generate a digital painting of a steampunk-inspired airship soaring through the clouds against a backdrop of industrial cityscape.”
“Create an imaginative scene of a magical library filled with ancient books, mysterious artifacts, and hidden passageways.”
“Generate an artwork depicting a post-apocalyptic world reclaimed by nature, with overgrown ruins and wildlife roaming freely.”
“Illustrate a scene from a fantasy novel featuring epic battles between knights, dragons, and mythical creatures.”

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